Here is Jen showing us an example of her giraffe guitar--early stage in the process: we use scrap wood from Mr. Johnson, hot glue and foam core and stuff the inside with newspaper/tape for sturdiness. Next, it gets a couple layers of paper mache!
Many things are still available if you click on 'older posts'--scroll down.
Rhinofish by Mason
Art Classes
Art One--drawing, 1 pt perspective, design, watercolor, tempera, block prints, clay, paper mache, ink, pastel, charcoal...
Art Two--drawing, 2 pt perspective, design, watercolor, tempera, dbl block prints, clay, paper mache, ink, pastel, charcoal...
6th Grade-- a shortened version of some of the above, plus weaving...
Computer Graphics--Adobe PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro, Digital Cameras, Scanner, Art projects incorporating Technology; 2d and 3d, with design, marker, paint, advertising, scans, digital photos, watercolor, pen and ink, foamcore, clay, black and color prints....
This sFall Ms. Diederich has two art 1 classes, an art 2 class, 2 graphics 1 classes, and 6th grade art exploratory.
Cool Sites to Try at Home
Try Brushster at the National Gallery of Art for Kids or many more Art Activities at their "ArtZone".
Flame Painter at